2019 Event

The adjudicators for this year's event were: Glenn Brown, Michael Grey, Jim McGillivray. 

The 2019 Master of Ceremonies was Lynda Mackay.

It was an amazing day of music made possible by great performers, dedicated volunteers, and by our many sponsors, without whom this would not be possible.



 Sherriff 2019 Colin 6 8                                                                        
1. Colin Johnstone (Ellenorr & Mrs. MacDonald of Uig)
2. Alistair Bevan (Major John MacLennan & Cameron MacFadyen)
3. Kevin Darmadi (Jean Mauchline & Kenneth J. MacLeod)
4. Joseph Horwath (Games Day at Aboyne & Pipe Major Scott Ruscoe)
5. Liam Melville (Fairview Cottage & Banks of the Farrar)


Sherriff 2019 Alister MSR
1. Alistair Bevan (The Knightswood Ceilidh, Dorrator Bridge, & MacKay from Skye)
2. Colin Johnstone (Dr. Allan MacDonald, Ewe with the Crooked Horn, & Cockerel in the Creel)
3. Tyler Destremps (Jeannie Carruthers, The Fiddler's Joy, & Arnish Light)
4. Blaise Theriault  (Major Manson at Clachantrushal, Cabar Feidh, & The Ferryman)
5. Liam Melville ((John MacDonald's Welcome to South Uist, Lady Louden, & The Rejected Suitor)


Sherriff 2019 Tyler Destremps piob
1. Tyler Destremps (The MacKay's Banner)
2. Liam Melville (Salute to Donald)
3. Colin Johnstone (Lord Lovat's Lament)
4. Liam MacDonald (Hector MacLean's Warning)
5. Alistair Bevan (Nameless, Hiharin Dro O Dro)


Sherriff 2019 Colin Chanter1. Colin Johnstone

1. Colin Johnstone
2. Alistair Bevan
3. Tyler Destremps
4. Liam Melville
5. Kevin Darmadi


Sponsorship is necessary to cover the costs associated with the competition. Without your help none of this would be possible.

Andrew Hutton

Andy Knox

Anne Gomme in memory of David Gomme

Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders of Canada Pipe Band - argylls.ca/pipe.html

Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association - acpba.org/

Ben Bhraggie House Ltd - benbhraggiehouse.com/

Bill and Sheila Muzzy

Bob Worrall and Todd Weleschuk

British Columbia Pipers - bcpipers.org/

Brown Bagpipe Supply - pipelots.webs.com/

City of Regina Pipe Band - crpb.org/

Darlene Carreiro

David Naill Co. Ltd.- naill-bagpipes.com/

Donald MacPhee - macpheereeds.com/

Doug Matthews/Massed Head - massedhead.com/home/

Dundas Pipes and Drums - dundaspipesanddrums.org/

Durham Regional Police Pipe Band - organization/unit.asp?Scope=Unit&ID=65

Eastern United States Pipe Band Association - euspba.org/

Georgetown Pipe Band - georgetownpipeband.ca/

Glengarry Highland Games - glengarryhighlandgames.com/

Gordon Conn

Hamilton Police Service Pipe Band - hppb.ca/home.html

Hutton Family

Iain MacDonald (Reelpipes.com) - reelpipes.com/

John and Brenda Johnston

John Walsh Bagpipes Ltd. - johnwalshbagpipes.com/

Ken and Diane Eller - thecaptainscorner.com/

Kinnaird Bagpipes and Reeds - kinnairdbagpipes.com/

Lee and Sons Bagpipes - leeandsonsbagpipes.com/

London Fire Fighters Pipe Band - lffpb.ca/

Malcolm Bow

McCallum Bagpipes Ltd. - mccallumbagpipes.com/

Micah Babinski

Michael Grey/Dunaber Music - shop.dunaber.com/

Midwest Pipe Band Association - mwpba.org/

Niagara-Hamilton Branch, PPBSO - ppbso.niagara-hamilton.org/

Niagara Regional Police Pipe Band - niagara-regional-police-pipe-band.asp

Northbridge Insurance

Ottawa Branch, PPBSO - ppbso-ottawa.org/

Parent Body, PPBSO - ppbso.org/

Peel Regional Police Pipe Bands - facebook.com/prppipeband/

Pipes|Drums - pipesdrums.com/

Piping Press - pipingpress.com/

R.G. Hardie and Co. Ltd. - rghardiebagpipes.com/

Rob Roy Pipe Band and Highland Dancers - robroykingston.com/

Roddy MacLeod M.B.E. - roddymacleodpiobaireachd.com/

Scott's Highland Services Limited - scottshighland.com/

Streetsville Pipes & Drums - streetsvillepipesanddrums.ca/

78th Fraser Highlanders Pipe Band - 78thfrasers.net/

Toronto Branch, PPBSO - ppbsotoronto.org/

Toronto Police Pipe Band - facebook.com/torontopolicepipeband/

Toronto Police Pipe Band (Grade 2) - facebook.com/torontopolicepipeband/

Windsor-Detroit Branch, PPBSO - ppbso.org/windsor-detroit-branch

Windsor Police Pipe Band - windsorpolicepipeband.com/